The plastic free journey can be a daunting one, however we are here at Chateau du Savon to help provide you with solutions to make those switches with ease.....
This little film the team have made just shows some of the possibilities from our range, it was a fun film to make.....
Of course we would always advise to run out of your current items before making switches....
Here are some easy swaps to make as a first step...
- Solid soap replacing hand pumps
- Solid soap in place of shower gel
- Solid shampoo and conditioners
- Dish wash soap for the kitchen
- Wooden scrubbers for kitchen utensils
- Natural sponges for the body in the shower and bath
- Plastic free soap dishes for travel - take it with you !
- Laundry flakes for washing your clothes
................and our stain removing bar ! for clothes and materials etc
Enjoy the film and enjoy browsing !